Saturday, 15 May 2021

Remember the first time you went for your interview? You gave your 100% but the inner stress was shining from the face. Recruiters see hundreds of such people every year. They schedule different interviews, spend a lot of time on it, and sometimes they cannot even accommodate different suitable time for the managers as well as candidates. Nowadays more and more companies including the healthcare recruitment consultancy inherit the usage of virtual reality in recruiting to make processes more efficient to curtail the time and help the company to get back the budding candidates in less time. 


VR helps to see the role: There are different ways to use VR in recruiting employees. It may help the people who can provide vague ideas about the different job roles to see how it looks. They can decide if the job is suitable and to experience this, the candidates can easily download the application suggested by the office on their mobile and buy a headset to watch the VR video. Watching how the work looks like can help the candidate have an idea and be sure of his/her decision. 


VR helps in actually going through the office: Going to an interview at an office, which is not enough to understand how the office looks like. When you enter the real office, you will get some idea from the first glance that might be also quite deceiving. This technology allows the candidates to have a virtual tour in the office. The environment in the video can be completely different from reality. 


VR attracts younger applicants: No matter where you are living, you can find some professions in the country that are owned by the older generation. Young people have zero interest in hard-to-fill roles. They must have certain stereotypes about those jobs, how they are done. They realize that their workers are already aging and they are in need to recruit young workers. VR can help in attracting the best applicants and connect them with the right personnel. 


VR has helped companies to attract new talent. Even recruitment agencies in London, UK are also recommending virtual reality. If you are also considering attracting the best talent, try this technology. 



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